Modern website builder for startups. Powered by unicorn magic.
Unicorn Platform is a simple landingpage builder for desktop apps, web apps, SaaS products, social media marketingtools, plugins, chatbots, cross-platform apps, browser extensions, frameworks,open-source projects, and more. The product made its debut with an integratedHTML-based static page generator. Now, it comes with more flexibility and toolsto create new pages, add different components, edit some site elements, etc.The software delivers clean HTML or CSS code with every new template. Thesolution works across all popular browsers, including Safari and the latestversion of Internet Explorer. In addition, the platform provides plenty ofintegrations: Stripe, Mailchimp, Zapier Webhook, Google Sheets, Custom Webhook,and more. You can also add any widget such as Google Analytics, Google TagManager, Facebook Pixel, Intercom, etc.